Elijah is marked as one of the greatest prophets of the Bible. More than a gifted seer, he spoke directly for God, and with His authority. Elijah is the only prophet to have called down fire from heaven, and one of only two individuals in Scripture taken to heaven before tasting death. Yet this remarkable agent of the Lord was also very human, afflicted with the very same failings and fears you have.
This book is an excellent resource and asset to your personal library. I've always loved Elijah's story, but never quite fully grasped the powerful message until I read this book. The words of the author, R.T. Kendall spoke right to my heart and soul. He explains the scriptures on Elijah in a way that is easy to understand and at times made me wonder why I hadn't seen that before.
It took me quite a while to read the book because there were so many excellent thoughts and truths within it's pages that I would read a sentence/paragraph and then reread it and close my eyes and meditate on it. So many things within the Scriptures that I had never even thought of before and for me, this book made me see Elijah in a whole new light and I believe God used this book to stir my soul in only a way that only He can do. I highly recommend this book and believe it will help you in your walk with Him!
***This book was provided to me by the publisher in exchange for my review.
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